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The AOR AR5001DB wideband communications receiver covers 40 kHz to 3150 MHz (less cellular) in:  USB, LSB, CW, Wide FM, Narrow FM, AM and AM Synchronous modes. APCO P-25 mode is available optionally. 2000 Alpha memories store frequency, mode, step, de-emphasis, AGC mode, CTCSS, DCS, auto notch, antenna port and attenuator settings.

Bandwidths are:   200 Hz, 500 Hz, 3 kHz, 6 kHz, 15 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, 200 kHz and 300 kHz (-3 dB). There are two dual frequency modes. In the dual offset mode you can listen to two frequencies in the same band (± 5 MHz). In the regular dual frequency mode you can listen to a VHF/UHF frequency and an HF frequency, even if different modes. The special tri-frequency mode allows HF reception combined with the dual offset mode!

This radio features five VFOs, DTMF tone decode, CW pitch control, Auto notch, noise reduction, noise blanker, keypad entry, a precision signal meter and SD card port. It also has a high resolution spectrum display function. The AR5001D comes with well filtered DC supply, manual and SD card.

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